Writing Portfolio

And as you can see from my freelance writing portfolio, I am a versatile writer, with a diverse body of work ranging from legal writing to reviews to reportage to content marketing to photography to travel writing to creative writing, particularly about Vietnam, where I was based for four years. I’m a native English speaker with degrees in Arts, Education, Communications Management and I’m currently studying law.

If you’d like me to write for you, please contact me.

Legal Writing

Creative Writing

  • My flash fiction story Butterfly Wings was published in The Victorian Writer: RIP (December 2023-February 2024).
  • My flash fiction story Sunrise in Cappadocia was published in Pure Slush’s Loss Lifespan Vol. 9 anthology in February/March 2024.
  • My flash fiction story Terminal made the Australian Writers’ Centre December 2023 Furious Fiction LONGLIST.
  • My flash fiction story The Fine Print made the Australian Writer’s Centre February 2024 Furious Fiction LONGLIST.
  • My flash story Mayday will be performed in New York for Greymatter Productions in November 2024 (this was unfortunately later pulled).
  • My flash story The Invitation was published in A Plate of Pandemic (December 2024).

Travel writing

Motorcyle Mojo

Motorycle Mojo is an award winning Canadian publication that provides premium content guaranteed to be of interest to every motorcycle enthusiast. I both took the pictures and wrote the story about my sidecar trip around the mountains of Vietnam.

Get Lost Magazine

Get Lost is an independent, international Australian travel magazine putting the excitement back into travel. I took the pictures and the wrote the story on Truc Bach — one of my favourite neighbourhoods in Hanoi.

Forbes Travel Guide

Forbes Travel Guide is the the only independent, global rating system for luxury hotels, restaurants and spas. I was super chuffed to be approached to write this review.

Go Overseas

Go Overseas is your guide to 14,000+ programs that will change how you see the world. Read 35,000+ community reviews to help you choose your next adventure.


Word Vietnam

Vietnam’s go-to what’s on magazine, and the best place to get regular updates about what’s happening in Vietnam. Word Vietnam is available online (there used to be a print version, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore). These are PDFs.

Personal Essays


WOVEN is an Entropy series and dedicated safe space for essays by persons who engage with #MeToo, sexual assault and harassment, and #DomesticViolence, as well as their intersections with mental illness, substance addiction, and legal failures and remedies.


Flung is a digital magazine that publishes journalism, literary essays, personal accounts and fiction with a strong narrative and sense of place.

PS I Love You

P.S. I Love You is a Medium partner publication. They tell stories about what it’s like to be alive and in love today—from the befuddling challenges of changing a diaper to the absurdity of a first kiss to the more general, sustained struggle of trying to amicably, productively co-exist.

Travel content writing


Paradise Group

The Paradise Group is a major player in the Vietnam travel industry, particularly in Halong Bay luxury cruising. They also have high end resorts, hotels and restaurants, as well as a cultural show and a water park in their portfolio.



TripAzia aims to be one of the leading travel companies in South-East Asia, with a focus on eco-tours near Hanoi, and working with local villages to enrich the destinations for all involved. This site is no longer active, so when you click a link, you’ll be taken to Wayback Machine.

SEO content writing


Green Gem Shop (social enterprise)

Green Gem Shop is the fundraising arm of Keep Hanoi Clean. I wrote a number of blogs to help boost SEO and rank on Page 1 of Google for targeted keywords. You can read about the Green Gem Shop success story in my case study. KHC has been rebranded to Keep Vietnam Clean, when you click a link, you’ll be taken to Wayback Machine.


Slice is a company that sells a range of cutting tools with ceramic safety blades. I wrote this piece of content specifically for the backlink.


Amanda Woods Design

AWD is a boutique graphic design business based in Queensland, Australia. I wrote the Meet The Team page with my brief being to be personable, “human” and engaging. This site is no longer active, so when you click the link, you’ll be taken to Wayback Machine.


Traqq is an employee time tracking software that boosts productivity and performance via automated reporting and monitoring tools. I wrote a number of blog articles for them to boost their SEO.

The Pros and Cons of Introducing a 9/80 Work Schedule in Your Workplace

Remote Work Etiquette: The Do’s and Don’ts of Navigating the Virtual Workplace

10 Tips to Help You Stay Focused While Working Remotely

To Attract and Keep Top Talent in 2024, Do These 7 Things

The Pros And Cons Of Raising The Minimum Wage In 2024

The 5 Stages of Team Development You Need to Know

12 Time Management Tips to Rock Your World [2024]

60 Icebreaker Questions for Almost Any Business Situation

7 Disadvantages of Working from Home and What to Do About It [All you need to know]

Contributing writer

In which I review, contribute or am interviewed about travel, Vietnam and other cool stuff.

I can write for you too

Contact me if you’d like me to help your business achieve its aims and objectives. I’m more than happy to give you a no-obligation free quote.