What sort of blogger am I?
This post was first published on 4 July 2012. I still like to think of myself as a work in progress, which further validates my reason for changing the name of this blog to The Diane Lee Project late last year.
When I tell people that I blog, the first thing they ask is: “What’s your blog about?”. I tell them I’m a bit like Oprah, in as much as I tackle serious issues (for example, why I am writing to a prisoner on death row) and the lighter stuff (like my guilty pleasures). I write about broken hearts and work and photography. Often I do my thought-processing of situations and events here, so it’s also a bit of a critical thinking platform. It helps me make sense of things, albeit in a public way.
But I’m not sure what sort of blogger that makes me, particularly when the pros say bloggers should have a niche if the object of blogging is to build it into a sustainable business. I’m assuming niche blogging makes marketing and cut-through a little easier. I’m not a HR blogger, although this blog is seen as such by a number of HR people in the UK. I’m not a mummy blogger, even though I do talk about being a parent, but not often. It’s not a relationship blog, although I do offer my insight and experiences, such as they are. It’s not a social media blog either, but I do offer my commentary because my Masters degree is in this area(ish). It’s not an author blog, although I do think blogging is a part of my arsenal as a writer because it demands consistency.
I know that *you* like what I write, because I get awesome feedback from your comments, and also via discussions about my posts on Twitter. So I know I hit the mark with readers, just not a niche audience, which buggers up my SEO and keyword marketing (which I clearly don’t do)!
I guess this blog is about everything, and it’s about nothing. It’s a work in progress, a project. Just like me.
I like that you are an eclectic blogger. If asked I’d say my focus was food. I have no desire to build my blog into a business. I read mummy and daddy blogs, I read lifestyle and fitness blogs. What I like most are blogs about people and what they do and what makes them happy and sad.
I also like your calamari blog Diane, please don’t let that die.
For me blogging is an opportunity to show off and an opportunity to share my thoughts on things I’m allowed to share and want to share. When I’m older and not a public servant I’ll blog about my political and work related views.
There is such a fine line, I’ve found, between telling about your life and experiences, deciding how much to tell, and what the consequences of telling are. I’ve experienced the highs and lows of being a blogger this year, Gary, that’s for sure. But I’m glad you like both this blog and #Squidileeshus (but I haven’t had time to either write up posts, or try squid in different eateries). My blogs never die, they just get put on the back burner! 😉
I have read your tribulations from blogging and I don’t want to go there. I love how social media makes me feel, yet I also know its danger.
In 50 years, people will be wondering what all the fuss was about!
True that. I need to keep working for at least another ten years to get the kids through school.
I am very grateful that mine is all grown up. Freedom for me 😉
Yeah, I’m the same and my blog’s slowly taking a different shape and becoming more personal – and in that I think a personal blog should reflect your personality. It’s nice to have a bit of a mix and it let’s you share a little more about yourself.
Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it 🙂
Thanks Ben and ditto to you!
I’m quite deliberate in my writing in that I want to keep it focused on learning and development and related topics on this. To that end, I’m quite disciplined in what I write about. I’ll sometimes go off topic, but am careful not to let that happen too much. In this respect, I’m comfortable being a L&D blogger.
However, I appreciate your writing, and other bloggers – mummy bloggers, law bloggers, general life bloggers, and it makes me think I’d like to write more about more. I don’t need to restrict myself, it’s my choice to do it.
And the piece about blogging for business is interesting. I certainly have ambitions that I’m using my blog to help me achieve. But with that, I’m quite conscious that I don’t turn it into a business blog.
Just a lot of ramblings.
As an L&Der, I love your blog, Sukh, and I consider you a thought leader in the L&D space. But what I particularly like about your blog is that your personality shines through. Readers get a real feel for who you are as a person and therefore it’s an engaging read. You tick all the right boxes as a blogger in my book!
My blog is still evolving, and for now, I’m only contributing 1-2 a week. That will change as I develop a pace and sense of just what it is I want to write, besides my short stories. Public personal opinion, or revealing who I am in a more detailed way doesn’t come easily to a private person and I’m still dithering over how/what/when and how much.
I find it easier to include my artwork as that speaks sometimes more eloquently than any words I can conjure 🙂
It’s encouraging to find a blogger who is comfortable being eclectic. I’ll think that over as I mull over ‘what’s next’. Thank you.
My pleasure, Rosy! I reckon it’s ok to be eclectic and your direction depends on what *you* want to do with your blog and where *you* want to take it. I only post a couple of times a week (usually Tuesdays and Thursdays) and that works for me. At the end of the day, I want to enjoy blogging, not be a slave to it!
What a great attitude Diane
Thanks Rosy!
Yes. Eclectic fits well. I am like that myself to a certain extent. 🙂
Eclectic is interesting. As one Twitter follower tweeted: “I celebrate your nichelessness!” 😉
I love it. I guess I am in the same “bucket”. As ut is with you, somehow people seem to like what I have I say and what I share. I have been referred to a a general interest blog. That sounds so boring. I like your blog and your definition “Electic”. It really fits.
I think we should claim Eclectic as a niche! Your blog is a lovely eclectic mix, Susan. Love the recipes and all your stories. 🙂
Hm. Just what I’ve been writing about – on successful blogging, lighting some dynamite. Glad you hear from your readers twitters, too. =)
I do pick up quite a number of readers from Twitter, and also from Google+. I think if you write compellingly about what interests YOU, you’ll always have readers. Thank you for dropping by, Diana.
Oh, I absolutely agree. If what we’re writing does not light our eyes, we can’t expect it to anyone else’s.
I meant to sign off
~ Diana. =)